Getting ready for fall

5 Reasons to Visit Ruidoso This Fall

 As the leaves begin to change color and the air grows crisp, many people's thoughts turn to fall vacations. If you're looking for a great place to enjoy the autumn months, look no further than Ruidoso, New Mexico. Here are five reasons to visit Ruidoso this fall.
1. The Scenery Is Second to None

When it comes to scenic beauty, few places can match Ruidoso in the fall. The trees leading to Sierra Blanca peak turn a beautiful golden hue, and the Valley floor is blanketed in a sea of red and yellow leaves. Whether you're taking a leisurely stroll through town or hiking in the Lincoln National Forest, you're sure to be impressed by the natural beauty of Ruidoso in the fall.
2. There's Plenty to Do

Just because summer is over doesn't mean there's nothing to do in Ruidoso. In fact, fall is one of the best times to visit Ruidoso because there are plenty of fun activities for visitors of all ages. From strolls along the river and pumpkin carving to shopping in midtown, there's something for everyone in Ruidoso this time of year. And don't forget about Oktoberfest!">Ruidoso'sOktoberfest celebrations are some of the best in the state.
3. The Weather Is Perfect
Fall is the perfect time to visit Ruidoso because the weather is mild and comfortable. During the day, you can enjoy all that Ruidoso has to offer without having to worry about excessive heat or humidity. And at night, you can cozy up by the fire with a hot cocoa or cider while enjoying the cool mountain air.
4. It's Less Crowded Than Other Times of Year
If you're looking to avoid crowds, fall is a great time to visit Ruidoso. Summertime is peak tourist season in Ruidoso, which means that lodging and activities can be booked up well in advance. But during the fall months, you can usually find deals on lodging and activities and enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere.
5 .It's a Great Value
Ruidoso is a great place to visit any time of year, but it's especially affordable in the fall. Many lodges and hotels offer discounts during this time of year, so you can save money on lodging while still enjoying all that Ruidoso has to offer. And with so many free activities available, it's easy to stay within your budget while still having a memorable vacation. 
As you can see, there are plenty of great reasons to visit Ruidoso this fall! So what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip today!
The Sanctuary at Ruidoso